Welcome To Areopagus Magazine

A brief history of the magazine
Areopagus was founded in 1990, as a special-interest publication for Christian writers. The magazine is run as a Small Press publication,  with an editorial team based in various parts of the UK.  
Areopagus is a quarterly A4 sized Magazine, with 28+ pages, depending on suitable available content. There is also an Ezine version, produced using the same layout and content,  available at lower cost. We publish subscribers' fiction, poetry and articles, as well as Letters to the Editor and occasional book reviews.
The general ethos of Areopagus is evangelical Christian, however our subscribers include people from a wide church background. 
This year, we are planning to offer more Zoom get together events.
For more details on what we can offer subscribers, please see our Further information page.

Julian Barritt,  Editor